Rumah Kasih Harmoni (RKH)is a charity house that shelters more than 40 orphans, children of poor, children of single mothers and thoso who are eligible ro receive zakat (Asnaf Zakat). RKH started operating under name Rumah Kasih Harmoni starting in early 2009 in a side lot house.
At first RKH operated anonymously at that place for almost nine years, this is because at that time was an individual who had fully sponsored all RKH's needs. However, for certain reasons, the good service of the individual in question did not last for reasons that they cannot state.
After that, RKH operated alone without the intended sponsor in the same building for almost two years, but they side faced problems to meet RKH's needs, especially the monthly rental of the building,so the owner of the building had to sell the building because of he still had responsiblities with the financial side.
When the RKH dormitory was sold, they distributed the RKH children to a foundation (Yayasan Kebajikan & Khidmat Perubatan Malaysia -YKPPM) which has several charity houses. After RKH was administrated under YKPPM for almost two years, they have been able to relocated the RKH children back to their old dormitory.